
Publicerad 2013-02-01 04:33:00 i Allmänt,

Yes it was raining a lot yesterday night and this morning so we had a 2 hour delay so we started school 9.25 instead of 7.25, always nice with a surprise sleep in on a Thursday. School delayed because of rain, ladies and gentlemen welcome to America x). That was not the only thing that happened before school started today, Karolina and I managed to miss the bus, the only day no one was home so we almost panicked because we didn't know how to get to school but Alex saved us and gave us a ride so we got to school. :D

Except for the start of the day it was a calm day, not much is going on right now. We had a fire drill to and according to our principal we would have probably died because we weren't fast enough so ha said we would have to work on that. The new classes are fun my favorites are History through cinema were we watch movies and then make reports on what happened. We have just finished watching 300, a movie about the battle of Thermopylae and the Persian army vs 300 spartan soldiers. A good movie that I recommend you to watch. So me and Vanessa just finished our project were we are reporters from the war zone and reporting what is going on.

My other favorite class is digital photography where we are taking pictures, learning how to use photoshop and other photo related stuff. Environmental Science is okay but me and science has never been a good combo. American government is a class I could skip but I have to have it, the class itself would probably not be to bad, but I am not a big fan of the teacher. American life is sort of fun the teacher is really good so thats another okay class.

Tomorrow is Friday, finally and hopefully we have ski club. It has been a really warm week around 10 degrees or more so we hope that tomorrow will be cold so we can go skiing.
Picture from the first ski trip. Tyler, Ingunn, Karolina, me and Anthony.
Good night! 
Love Desirée 


Postat av: Mamma

Publicerad 2013-02-01 15:56:54

Mycket väder i USA. Var det översvämningar? Kul med de nya ämnena! Blir det skidåkning i dag?
Gillar verkligen din blogg. Kram

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Desirée Anderson

I'm a 17 year old girl from Sweden that currently are on an exchange year in Gap, Pennsylvania, USA. My interest are tennis, music, riding, traveling and friends. I will write about my life as an exchange student and my experiences here. Hope you'll like it. Love Desirée



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