3 months
Yes today it is 3 months ago since i said goodbye to my family at Arlanda airport and boarded the plane to New York City to live the life as an exchange student in the USA for 10 months, to chase down the dream I had for years and I am living my dream. I could not ended up in a better place everything is great and the people here are all awesome and you are really making my year the best year ever!!
I still miss and love you all at home, You are not forgotten, I keep you in my mind and heart wherever I go <3. My family and all my friends I love you very much <3
I still miss and love you all at home, You are not forgotten, I keep you in my mind and heart wherever I go <3. My family and all my friends I love you very much <3
You are all loved old and new friends <3
Love Desirée