School tomorrow

Publicerad 2012-11-28 01:45:00 i Allmänt,

Hello so this is the last night of the thanksgiving break and we have to go to school. We have had some fun couple of days, we ate way too much and been spending time with friends. We went to see Skyfall, me, Ingunn, Karolina, Alex, Kevin and Luke. We have played pool and pingpong with with Alex and Anthony. Karolina made a cake. And the best part I had NO homework, the teacher seems to actually care about our vacation here instead like the teacher in Sweden that will assign the test and the essays right after the break, no offense but we could use some breaks like this in Sweden.

We got snow I get enough of that in Sweden can we just wait with the snow at least till December please. But if it has to snow can it snow so we don't have to go to school tomorrow :D.

Right now we are watching AFV and we just had supper and I think we used the last of the turkey but I'm not sure we might have some more.

Hope you are all good :D
Love Desirée


Postat av: Mamma

Publicerad 2012-11-28 23:09:05

Älskar din blogg!! Snöar här i dag också, typ slask.

Postat av: William

Publicerad 2012-11-29 19:15:03

Aaaa.... Det snöar, eller slash här idag. Lyllo dig som slipper allt och hade det så roligt =( Men det blir ju kul för dig. Jag vill också se Skyfall. Det är faktiskt jätteroligt att läsa din blog!!!!

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Desirée Anderson

I'm a 17 year old girl from Sweden that currently are on an exchange year in Gap, Pennsylvania, USA. My interest are tennis, music, riding, traveling and friends. I will write about my life as an exchange student and my experiences here. Hope you'll like it. Love Desirée



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