Back in School

Publicerad 2012-10-31 12:53:00 i Allmänt,

Hello everyone. Sandy has passed and I am back in school so no need to worry....Louise. Otherwise it has been a great weekend with 2 extra days, not that we could do that much except being home chillin. Yesterday me and Karolina baked Kladdkaka and did nothing else, yes the productivity is high over here. Right now me, Karolina, Tim and Ingunn is spending 1 hour in the library due to Wednesdays schedule which means if you are a senior you can either sleep in our you have enrichment in the morning instead of in the end of the day, and since we have to take the bus to school we sit in the library. I am just a bit jealous of everyone at home that has week break from schoolbut I'm not complaining I'm here living my dream :D.

Me and my polish sister <3
Bye bye 


Postat av: Mamma

Publicerad 2012-10-31 18:12:08

Skönt att stormen är över. Lite roligare att vara i skolan än sitta hemma en dag till utan något att göra. Kramar

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Desirée Anderson

I'm a 17 year old girl from Sweden that currently are on an exchange year in Gap, Pennsylvania, USA. My interest are tennis, music, riding, traveling and friends. I will write about my life as an exchange student and my experiences here. Hope you'll like it. Love Desirée



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