
Publicerad 2012-10-23 03:33:00 i Allmänt,

Hi everyone! I just got home from the boys soccer game which we won. Go Pequea!! Our soccer team made it to districts and they are doing good so far. And just to clarify one thing soccer is the real football, it makes more sense cause you kick a ball with your foot. Otherwise not much happened its been a typical Monday, everyone is a bit slow and tired not really back from the weekend. So I´m gonna call it a day, take a shower and go to bed and hopefully get a couple of hours of sleep before the alarm sounds tomorrow and the day starts all over again.
Sometimes you need to stop on your way to sucess, turn around and look back  at the things you already succeeded with to be able to continue your way to the top.
Good night 


Postat av: Mamma

Publicerad 2012-10-23 21:10:43

Cool bild, är det på din gata?

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Desirée Anderson

I'm a 17 year old girl from Sweden that currently are on an exchange year in Gap, Pennsylvania, USA. My interest are tennis, music, riding, traveling and friends. I will write about my life as an exchange student and my experiences here. Hope you'll like it. Love Desirée



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